Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mmmm... Oops

It's been too long.

I haven't any excuses except the usual: I'm busy with classes and exploring New Zealand.

However, my flatmate and I collaborated to make a very delicious and very New Zealand dinner, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you, readers! It's very easy to make and takes a total of twenty minutes (ten if you're a person who can use a can opener properly).

Recipe for the Preparation of CORN FRITTERS and FRUIT SALAD

Corn Fritters

ingredients: 1 egg, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup plain flour, 1 can (creamed) corn, a pinch of salt and pepper, 1-2 tablespoons of water to thin and some oil for frying.

preparation: in medium bowl mix egg, baking powder, flour and seasonings with water. This should form a thick paste (about the consistency of pancakes, maybe a bit thicker). Add corn and mix well.

In pan on stove heat 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil (on low or medium heat). Add dropped spoonfuls of batter to oil. The fritters cook depending on size; for silver-dollar fritters wait 1-2 minutes before flipping them. Generally, follow the rules for making thick pancakes. Fritters should be browned on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

Eat with toppings of choice, and feel free to add extras like vegetables, bacon, or other ingredients to the batter!

Fruit Salad

Even special people like me can make fruit salad (excepting the use of a can opener). After mangling your can of peaches/pineapple/pears/whatever open, pour off juice and transfer fruit chunks to bowl. Add chopped banana, apple squares, grapes, and other fresh fruits to taste. Eat messily and with gusto.

Bon appetit, mes amis!


  1. I hope you're having so much fun in New Zealand and with your man. I miss you! :) These recipes sound so good!

    1. Awww, thank you so much! How are classes going? Hehe, my man is doing well. We definitely need to catch up this fall; you're almost done with being a freshman! :o

  2. Oh no that is not acceptable, you must keep the juice for the fruit salad. It is my favourite bit (:

    1. drink your own juice! and mine, when i make salad. ;)

    2. No. juice comes after the fruit (:
