Sunday, March 31, 2013

Judgmental Jane

I prefer deliberate insults to thoughtless ones. It's difficult to yell at someone for being thoughtless.

I am, at heart, a selfish person. I judge quickly and while I often rescind these flash judgments, that doesn't change the fact that I make them. I know that I'm judgmental. I know that I need to work on it.

Today's example is case-in-point: my roommate took a shower before informing me that my laundry was finished. It's irritating that she didn't tell me my laundry was finished so that I could set it to dry, clearing the washer for her laundry and limiting the time where we'd both need the drying racks. I spent forty minutes grinding my teeth and puttering because she annoyed me. Maybe I need a sign that says 'Doesn't play well with others.'

I haven't explained this well. I'm also having one of my hyper-active-and-thwarted days, where I throw myself into cleaning and tidying in an effort to avoid thinking. Thinking about what, I'm not sure, but I know my avoidance methods.

Did I say that I like school breaks? I do, when I have some sort of routine to follow. (Make my own? You crazy person, what kind of suggestion is that?!)

I can't go to the gym. Nothing is open because it's a holiday. My boyfriend is busy/not answering texts. My friends and family at home as busy with their lives. I really need a job. Or a pet. Ugh.

Well, there's no sense in being sulky. It's such a beautiful day - there's no reason to waste it being a brat.  I am waiting for my sheets to dry and then I can make my bed. Surely I can entertain myself for an hour or so. I'm a big girl, after all.

I don't want to be a big girl. I want something to do. 


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