Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dunedin Hills

I haven't got any kind of personal profundity to record here today, except to note that making cookies with Cadbury drinking chocolate is a bad idea. They are too, too, TOO sweet. And I only ate the crumbs. Bleh.

I consider myself settled here on the other side of the world, yet no matter how quickly I've become accustomed to right-hand drive, military time and the addition of 'u's in all my words, (colour, favourite, etc.) this place just doesn't feel like home. Obviously, it feels more like home that the uni does, or Auckland airport, but there is overall a lack of something I can't easily identify. What to call this unnamed quality that haunts me even in sleep... If you think of a name, let me know. I'm stumped.

How is it the end of March? A year ago I had moved back home and was declaring a second major as I considered starting anti-depressants. In a little under a month, I will be celebrating one year with the man who still makes me laugh, smile, sigh and cry. I'm blessed, that's for sure. And he is too, hehe.

I'm definitely not who I used to be, and I'm grateful for that. I'm a lot less awkward, a bit less dramatic, and a nicer person. I'm definitely not jealous of the old me; how unhappy she was, and then how very very happy. (Ok, I might be a teensy bit jealous, but only because reliving the first few weeks of a new relationship would be a nice one-year gift.) So what's with the melancholy?

I've discovered, in the past few years, that I like to think out loud. It helps me solve problems and gives me a chance to hear some of my thoughts out of their mental context. I've also discovered that other people see my problems more clearly than I do. Not exactly rocket science, but it's a baby step.

Sometimes I feel like life is similar to the Dunedin hills: on clear days, you can see past three or four sets of hills and on misty days even the hills right within the central city are hidden from sight.

If that's not profound, then I'm not bored.

Yeah, I have no idea either. But I tried! We all have odd days...

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