Friday, November 4, 2011

For a Noble Cause

My sleep deprivation, I mean. It's for a noble cause.
Yeah, so last night I had about three hours of sleep because I was too happy and wired to sleep. My boyfriend and I made if official (!!!) but then he had to go because it was 10:45 and I have to get up at 6:30 for my 8 AM class. Bleh. So I was happy-happy-over-the-moon-happy and then super-wound up and not able to sleep. But it was for a noble cause.

Some things feel right. I used to worry that if I ever had a relationship it would be stressful and a lot of work; ha. Old worries, I sneer in your general direction. This is...wonderful. We talk, and talk, and then I look at the time and realize I'm late for class. We cuddle (and I love cuddling almost as much as hugs) and I look at the clock and see that, whoops, it's 11 PM and I'll need some sleep before trying to learn Deutsch tomorrow.

Thank God I ate something for dinner; I'd had a large lunch and wasn't feeling the evening meal, but I can't imagine trying to function on the remains of sugar-lunch and not much else until this morning. I'd have been one cracked-out-sleep-deprived happy person. Which is always a pleasant sight.

So I know what my readership is asking: have I got a picture, or a song, or some random piece of what my anthropology professor calls "expressive culture" to share my happiness with the rest of the world? Well, I hadn't planned on it, but I'm sure I can find something. Hold on a 'sec.


Haha. Have a taste of my favorite book, movie, and couple all rolled into one. If I don't think about the singer I also really enjoy the song; and props to the Youtube author for putting the two together so well. Definitely not a combo I would have thought of!

Have a Little P&P

...and a beautiful day,

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