Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Bucket List: An Excerpt

This is an excerpt from "100 Things I Want to do Before I Die: In No Particular Order"

That "no particular order" part is VERY important. Because I wrote these as I thought of them; obviously I need a child before I can have a grandchild, and a husband would be nice before having a child...you get the idea. 

1. Drink champagne under the stars.
2. Pet a tiger.
3. Pet a wolf.
4. Thank a soldier.
5. Stand on a mountaintop.
6. Have a son
7. Get married (to someone I love)
8. Dye my hair
9. Sail on a yacht
10. Go to Budapest
11. Make a wedding cake
12. Ride a horse on the beach
13. Go back to New Zealand
14. Meet a movie star
17. Finish my novel
19. Go to Italy
20. Meet the Queen
21. Help someone
22. Paint a picture
23. Have a garden
24. Go to Disneyland/Disneyworld
25. Ride in a gondola
26. Fall in love
27. Open a bakery
28. Adopt a child
29. Adopt an animal
30. Be financially secure and independent
31. Have a grandchild
32. Own a sportscar
33. See a fairy
34. Dance
35. Be loved
36. Learn to ski
37. Go sailing (in a sailboat)
38. Get picked up in a bar
39. Graduate from college
40. See the Earth from space
41. Catch a falling star
42. Have wings
43. Be a model
44. Have my own library
45. Learn to ice skate

Some of them are ridiculous, some of them are funny, and some of them I truly, deeply mean. I made this about a year ago, I believe; it might be a little longer. And it's an odd feeling to realize I've done (or shortly will do) quite a few of these things. I used to have a difficult time imagining a future for myself - any future. But now...the world is full of surprises, odd little twists or unexpected bends in the road. My road goes on, and I'm comfortable enough not to try and circumvent Fate (any longer) and attempt to get a sneak peek at the end.

Signing off -

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