Friday, November 30, 2012

All Suns Set

I feel a little like my sun has set.

Not forever, but definitely for this time. I am learning to adjust my life to my love's absence; it's more difficult than I thought it would be. He came for so brief a time and managed to make himself a part - the center - of my world. Going through that world without him feels wrong. Off balance.

I'll be all right, never fear. It's not unpleasant, this balancing act I'm relearning, but it is melancholy. I didn't expect sharing my life - my whole life - with another person to be so simple. So easy to achieve. I am no longer singular; I am one half of a pair. I'm not sure what I feel about this, except that when I am with him the world is brighter, funnier, more in every way.

I guess this is what the poets call Love. Funny, it doesn't seem like an illness to me. Rather, like basking in the sun only to find yourself in the shadow of a cloud. The exquisite warmth he brought is gone; I am as I always was, but now I want more.

I know all suns set, just as I know all clouds pass. But I am selfish. I want to sit in the sun forever. I want to be warm forever. I want him forever. I don't think the sun will set on us.


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