Monday, December 3, 2012

This Has Been an Update

Waiting for my last class of the day to start strikes me as a fitting time to write a blog post. Readers, it is almost the end of the semester and I couldn't feel better...well, maybe I could if my headache would go away. Ugh. But, aside from that (and the weird looks I've been getting all day - more on that in a second) this has been a pretty nice day.

For those of you who can't read (or don't own a calendar), today is the third of December and where I am the weather is a sunny 72 degrees Fahrenheit. In December. I am wearing fleece lined boots and sweatpants, and getting judgmental looks from my running-short sporting peers. It's winter, people! Uggs and sweatpants are now socially acceptable! Sigh.

Still, given how much rain depresses me, I shouldn't complain about the sun. In other news, I have begun the process of moving back into my room at home (hrmmm), a two-week, labor intensive endeavour that is the bane of any student's existence twice yearly. Still, it hasn't been too ghastly; one benefit of being a third year is that I've done this five times already. Packing is one of those skills that improves with practice.

It looks like class is starting, Reader, so I'd better get into my notes and start thinking...critically. Oh joy. It looks as though they will finally return our mid-semester exams to us. (The last day of classes is this Wednesday.)

I know what you're thinking: if they can return things so late, why can't I turn them in so late?

Me too, Reader, me too.

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