Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Down Under

Yes, typically that phrase refers to Australia. But that's not the down under I'm talking about. I was going through older posts and it occurred to me that I never mentioned New Zealand again. Oopsie.

As a third year student, I have the option to travel abroad for a semester without interrupting my degree program. I chose New Zealand for a myriad of reasons (it kept coming up in my study abroad search list, for one), only to be blessed with a chance encounter and a friend - now boyfriend - who lives there. How awesome is that? Fate works in such cool ways; sometimes I feel that I am under a guiding hand. But back to the point.

I have chosen New Zealand. I realise not many people know anything about New Zealand, unless they happen to have seen The Lord of the Rings.

Well, we'll have to fix that. One of my hopes is that while I am abroad, this blog will double as a travel journal. I will post (selected) photos so that you all may travel with me! NZ is a beautiful country, and when seen through happy, excited eyes...

Well. Let's get some basic info down, okies? 

A map for those of you unfamiliar with world geography. 

Isn't this country a beautiful one? Can you blame me for wanting to visit...for reasons other than my wonderful boyfriend? 



  1. I am the star on your map!! ^_^ heheh

    Oh and if you have seen lord of the rings, NZers (generally) don't live in little houses under the ground with round doors ;) and we don't have wizards and such :D but the scenery is accurate

    1. *giggle*

      Why yes, it appears you are. Fancy that... :D

  2. New Zealand is beautiful! :) You are going to have so much fun!

    Giggles <3

    1. Giggles, you gave me a heart attack. I thought, "Oh no, here comes the blog troll again." O.O

      But then I figured it out. I will post pics for you all! <3

    2. So sorry dear. Didn't mean too.

      Love, Giggles! :)

  3. Can you bring me with you? I'll sneak into your luggage. haha

    1. Sure, don't see why not.

      "Errr, that's not my Asian, Mr. Customs Officer sir. She must have slipped in when we refueled in Hawaii."

  4. thanks a bunch for posting the map, it's good of you to share your knowledge of world geography with all us ignorant readers ^_^

    1. oh, i didn't mean for that to be insulting. *blush* it's just, a lot of people give me a "huh?" look when i say i'm going to NZ. *giggles*
