Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Sunrise

I love sunrises.
I love sunsets too, but (although not recently) I see more sunrises as a rule, especially as the year turns and the sun rises later and later each day. Watching that first light dawn over the edge of the world must be one of the most amazing vistas in the universe; for moments like that I'd think all the rigorous training to be an astronaut would be worth it. I certainly enjoy seeing it from where I stand, on the track or at my window, my feet against the earth but my eyes - and maybe my heart - high, high above.

Sunday sunrises are some of the most beautiful of all, mostly because Sunday is already a peaceful day; no one really schedules events on Sunday (at least in my little world). My mother usually goes to one of her churches; my father has pancakes for breakfast. My sister sleeps until noon and I - when I'm at home I'm the first one up, the first to stand alone and watch the light come back to the world. Something about being alone, being a part of that hushed calm where no one is driving around, only a few souls are out jogging or walking their dogs in the fresh, cool morning, is incredibly stimulating. It's as though the world is simple, clear, and clean. I know a lot of this is cultural construct, and that Sunday mornings aren't physically different from say, Wednesday mornings. But, still...

I'm used to feeling small and powerless; honestly, if I wasn't apathetic I think I'd just be pathetic, but there's something about dawn (and dusk) that takes that sense of isolating distance away from me and says, "No, you are a part of something. Look. Feel." Humans are small compared to the Universe - to the sky and the stars and even our own spinning green-and-blue planet. And I'm small when compared to other humans. But I don't have to be. I can be big too; I can be mighty. Sunrise invigorates me the way sunsets soothe me; I can only describe it as being lifted out of myself and set free to swim off into those banners of color and light and cloud, reaching for worlds I can't see but must be there. Haha, I guess it makes me a little fanciful too; maybe I'm just that way naturally.

Anyway, I have to go write my English paper now (due in a week; horrors!) but I'll leave you with one of my many favorite songs; a sunrise song, if you will.

Good Morning Beautiful

Bella giornata!

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