Friday, May 4, 2012

An Angel on My Shoulder

Today, as a friend and I were talking, we somehow got on the topic of angels. Now, most of you know that I am a spiritual person and not a religious one. Religion is fine, but it doesn't suit my needs that well. I find more comfort believing in order and the power of free will than I find in knowing some all-powerful deity is out there monitoring me.

But I do believe in angels.

I have had too many near-accidents not to believe that someone, somewhere, has me safely in arms. Part of my growing up process has been recognizing those moments of grace (and sometimes intervention). I have an angel on my shoulder, whose hand keeps me from falling too fast, too far, too often. I have to fall a little, otherwise I'll never learn anything. But I have an angel who keeps me safe, and for that I will always try to live a good life. Out of gratitude.

I think that angels appear in human form - as friends, family members, or strangers on the street. They are people who share a smile with you on the bus, or who offer a helping hand just when you need it. But they can also be people who are special in other ways. I have a few friends that I suspect have hidden wings. It has been my secret wish for a long time to be someone's reason to smile; I want to change one life, a little or a lot. As I grow older, it's easier for me to be the kind of person I want to be. A good friend. A good daughter. And eventually, a good wife and mother.

But back to angels. I heard once that we are all on earth to learn to be better people. (The rest of the quote was: "Animals already know this - that's why they don't live as long.") I am learning, slowly, to be a better person. A kinder person. A more thoughtful person. I am gaining the skills which will help me be someone's angel.

I hope that my angel is happy. Whoever you are, I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank you, Angel. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your belief. Thank you for all you've done for me.

Perhaps one day, I can do the same for you.


1 comment:

  1. You certainly give me a reason to smile! (:
    And I'm sure your angel will be extremely happy to have someone like you to look after ;)
