Saturday, April 20, 2013

Strange Letters

You don't know me and I don't know you. I don't know the particulars of the situation or what personal demons have taken hold of you. This lack of knowledge doesn't blunt my anger.

You don't deserve what you've been given. You were the one who brought light to her eyes; I was the one who encouraged her to bask in it. We're both guilty, but I at least acted out of love. Can you say the same?

You don't deserve her. She is kind; she is honest; she is more genuine than anyone you'll meet in this life or the next. Behind the walls she's built, there is vulnerability. You took advantage of that, and I'm disinclined to forgive you.

Second chances are rare. If you want one with me (and why would you, except that knowing you're the object of someone's passionate disgust must rankle), choose your next step carefully. I will not suffer by ensuring that you know exactly what you are. It's a testament to her gentle nature that she'll defend you to me - I do the same for the one who puts light in my eyes. Lovers forgive insults easily; friends are less kind.

Perhaps the particulars would compound my rage; perhaps they would temper it with sadness, or understanding, or regret. But know this, and know it well: I am patient. I am strong. And I defend what matters to me. She matters to me. You, I couldn't care less about.

Hurt her again, and I will end you. If you doubt me, ask what kept ten years worth of bullies at bay. Ask what brought me through suffering and hell. Ask if I can be made to do something against my will. Doubt me then. I dare you.

You don't deserve what you've been given. I understand well enough that shields can become prisons; in the end, it's her decision how to proceed.

She wouldn't have opened to you without a reason. I listened to her grapple with accepting you. I don't know if it's stupidity or arrogance or fear that had you turning her away; I don't really care. You did. In your stupidity or arrogance or fear you struck a blow that will leave a scar.

Fortunately for you, her soul is bright enough to absorb it.

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