Yes, I really did do this. By accident, if that makes me less of an idiot. But I did dye my bed a very bright blue. Sigh.
Anyway, here's how.
1. Bake a birthday cake.
2. Decorate the cake with blue food dye when you run out of colored frosting.
3. Place the decorated cake on your bed.
4. Open the cake keeper.
5. Do not clean off the bed before cutting the cake.
6. Try to keep slices of cake, plates, and junk from falling off the bed.
7. Drop slice of cake frosting-side down on the bed.
8. Swear loudly in three languages.
9. Panic.
10. Attack the bed with Clorox wipes and make the stain bigger.
11. Panic.
12. Give up and change the sheets.
You have now dyed your bed blue.
My sympathies.
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