Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little Lost Kitty

To the friends who thought I would make a good military wife: we were all wrong. I am struggling to maintain a happy (or at least pleasant) demeanor now that my boyfriend is on his way across the world. It's not that our situation is particularly harrowing; I will see him again in four weeks. But out of seven months, I had him for nine wonderful days.

I always wondered what I would feel when I found someone to love. Well, driving home from the airport Wednesday night, I found out. I can drive home on autopilot, blind from tears, and not have a wreck.

I sent him home with a smile and a wave.


  1. Awwww darling... I must say, watching you walk the other way out of the airport was heartbreaking, it really was.. I just wanted to run back out and stay with you :/

    1. I had to leave or I was going to cry in front of you, and I couldn't bear you to see me cry and not be able to help. :(

    2. I know love, it's ok (: and it had to be done <3
