Some of you may remember when I took the "What is my Daemon" test about a year ago. Since then I've changed quite a bit, moving in a more balanced direction. I decided I wanted to take the test again (I will post the link for curious readers). Read on to find out who/what WolfGrrl is. I was pleased. (My boyfriend is less so, because he's slower than me about answering questions, haha.)
"In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you also have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone alot; nor do you like to be constantly surrounded. You are shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't 'too' anything: too shy, too aggressive, too extroverted, too introverted. You are, at any given time, any combination of these things.
"You tend to adapt to the situations in which you find yourself. With some people you are quiet and sensitive; with others, you're loud and boisterous. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you and sometimes they are surprised when you behave in a way that's different from their perception. Some people might even idealize you. Does anyone know the 'real' you?
"Your daemon would represent your multi-faceted and ever changing personality, as well as people's tendency to idealize you. He would become angry when you're calm, serene when you're ruffled, and always be the voice of reason and emotion in your ear.
Suggested forms: Swan, Koala, Panda, WOLF"
Here's the link:
EDIT: My boyfriend got the EXACT SAME RESULT. There was no sharing of the information during the test.
I'm so glad it's useful! :) And thanks for offering a comment.