Monday, May 6, 2013

Updates from My Life

I had a great epiphany two days ago at one in the morning. Obviously, said epiphany never materialized in the blogosphere. Whatever; I have other things on my mind these days. It is good to check in with my virtual peeps, however, so prepare for an update on my life.

At the end of April I went to Wellington, the cutest little capital in the world, to visit the Beloved Boyfriend for his twenty-first birthday. Five blissful days restored me to sanity, filled me with laughter and provided me with enough lovey-dovey time to make it through the end of the semester. I still love him. Amazing.

Upon my return I was swept into the Great Flat Drama, which managed to resolve itself without any help from the participants. Funny how these things go away if left alone.

In other news, my little corner of the world has received the MOST rain in the entire country of New Zealand during the past two days. I think it rained - no, poured - for forty-eight hours straight. Needless to say, the house on the end of the street is perilously close to falling into the river and washing through the middle of campus before heading out to sea.

I have two big research papers outlined and ready to start; both are due at the end of May, leaving me with three weeks to study for three exams. At my home university, students are given two days to recover from classes before finals begin. The fact that I have close to a month is bizarre. What am I going to do with all that extra time? I mean, come on, it's not like I study or anything.

Not much else is happening, kiddies. I return home in the early part of July to my usual life of girl friends, work, driving and being pampered by my family. Between now and then, I might go skiing with the Beloved Boyfriend. We might go kayaking instead. We will definitely go driving, parking, and see some movies at the cinema. I have to spend as much time with him as possible in preparation for a long, long drought. But, life is about overcoming obstacles.

And in all honesty, it'll be good to go home.


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