She is a darling little girl named Skye, who drives me mad by waking me up at quarter to four in the morning because she won't sleep. (Won't, not can't.)
In the past few weeks I have: suffered relationship drama, resolved said drama, flown across the world, become a mother, moved house and turned twenty-one. That's a lot to happen to a girl in three weeks.
I have resolved my fall class schedule and am currently on the prowl for jobs. It's an annoying process, trying to convince a company to hire me. I don't look forward to the post-uni years in which this matters even more.
My current struggle (aside from employment) is getting Miss Skye to eat. She is as picky as her mama was, sigh, and not cooperative in the least.
I also discovered, on a completely random side-note, that I enjoy bowling.
Can't follow my thoughts? I don't judge you; most days, neither can I.